Really … no diet? Take the pressure off with nutrition over diets


When a brand new client walks into the studio, slightly nervous and excited at having taken those first important steps on their wellness journey, I know the first thing they are expecting is to be handed ‘THE DIET’. Surely they can’t be expected to achieve their health, fitness & wellness goals without being handed the seemingly obligatory ‘DIET SHEET’ right? Well … absolutely they can!

It never gets old seeing the calming wave wash over them when they realise they don’t ever have to try to conform to another faddy, unmaintainable and unpleasant diet and there is another way. In truth, how could I even try to write an effective nutrition plan for anyone when I have never met them before! Remember you are unique with personal goals, experiences and lifestyles. You’re worth a hell of a lot more than generic body-type. It’s time to get bespoke.

Taking into account all elements of my client’s lifestyle, I work with them to bespoke a nutrition plan that is personal to them, their goals and life. I never expect lifestyle change over night, instead we take a step-by-step, planned approach giving the client the clear knowledge they need and the support to apply it - taking back control. They never need use a restrictive and boring ‘DIET’ ever again. “But I’ve bought so many diet books’’ … sorry about that, this time it’s all about you.

A wonderful place to start is something you can do at home yourself - keeping your own food diary! This can be a real simple process but it’s excellent at highlighting the lowest hanging fruit and where to start making small changes. You may already know things you can improve but writing it down can really bring it to life making it easier to focus and also may pop up some surprises. You don’t have to share this diary with anyone else (we all know that person at work who never shuts up about what diet they are on that week…) instead keep it to yourself and use it as a great starting tool.

Time to get a funky new note book too!
(because you can never have enough right … ?)

Here are some tips to get your food diary started:

  • Connect with your inner ‘geek’ and make a table! - Days along the top, meal times down the side. Scribbling your meals on a bit of old scrap paper won’t hold the same impact when it comes to reviewing, so making a nice clear table is key.

  • No fibbing! - Be 100% honest with yourself and write everything down. If you nick a leftover fish finger off your child’s plate or Sally at work puts an unrequested biscuit with your tea - it goes on your diary! We humans are brilliant at hiding the truth from ourselves and protecting ourselves from pain - not today, write it down.

  • Truth is in the detail - Its worth putting in extra info that may be useful when reviewing your diary. Things like rough timings of your meals, if you had two servings, if a meal was homemade or eaten out etc.


Well it’s been a week, you’ve noted down everything you’ve eaten, it’s time to relax with a cuppa and have a good look through. Things to look out for maybe - patterns, like regular gaps where you didn’t eat, surprises like things you have more of than you thought or even not enough. It’s worth then getting a coloured pen and highlighting elements you feel are non beneficial to your goals. Simply then pick an area with the most highlighted bits and bingo! you have your starting point.

Using this ‘lifestyle-journey’ way of working means there are no metaphorical ‘wagons’ to fall off or a feeling of yo-yo’ing, as minor setbacks or challenges are all part of the journey. We can work through them together. If you were to line up all of my clients not one would say they are on a DIET… instead they are working to be in control of their nutrition and enjoying food!

If you would like to know more about food diaries or help with reviewing your diary then please do email me and I would be delighted to help.